Benefits to a Local Church
- Congregations will feel secure knowing their pastor has regular access to apostolic counsel and input.
- Congregations will have the felt security of knowing that their leader is submitted to authority and under a covering as they are.
- Congregations will be exposed to experienced ascension gift ministry that is trust-worthy and in covenant with their church and overseer.
- Being part of a network of churches and ministries will give your congregation a greater revelation of the Kingdom of God.
- Network churches and ministers cross-pollinate and exchange ideas, strategy and vision.
- Congregations will have occasion to participate in life changing conferences and seminars that build the local church, equip leadership and enhanced fellowship.
- Congregations will have many opportunities to partner apostolically in missions, church planting and city reaching.
- Congregations will have opportunity to sow financially into apostolic ministries that impacts urban regions internationally.